Welcome to our video training guide for ColourStudio 5.  We've added the complete video and also broken it up into individual chapters if you need a quick refresher for any of the processes.  We're always trying to improve our products and services - if you've any feedback on our training videos we'd love to hear from you.


DOWNLOADS (click links below)

ColourStudio 5 software

ColourStudio 5 installation and set up guide

Troubleshooting Guide



Complete Video / ColourStudio 5: Training

00 ColourStudio 5 Welcome

Chapter 1 / ColourStudio 5: Launching the software

Chapter 02 / ColourStudio 5: Creating spots

Chapter 3.1 / ColourStudio: Add, format and animate text.

Chapter 3.2 / ColourStudio 5: Adding content

Chapter 3.3 / ColourStudio 5: Formatting your text

Chapter 3.4 / ColourStudio 5: Animating your text

Chapter 3.5 / ColourStudio 5: Adding special frames (date and time etc)

Chapter 3.6 / ColourStudio: Changing the timing of your spots

Chapter 3.7 / ColourStudio 5: Adding image files

Chapter 3.8 / ColourStudio 5: Adding video files

Chapter 4 / ColourStudio 5: Previewing your content

Chapter 5 / ColourStudio 5: Saving your project

Chapter 6 / ColourStudio 5: Sending your content to the screen

Chapter 7.1 / ColourStudio 5: System Settings brightness

Chapter 7.2 / ColourStudio 5: System Settings (date and time)

Chapter 8 / ColourStudio 5: Troubleshooting